Dailey Elementary School Family Newsletter

The 2nd Week of January

We enter our second week of testing. Parents please make sure to schedule appointments to talk with your child’s teacher about any concerns. These meetings can be set up through the office at 810-591-9357.

We are always in need of parent volunteers. Please feel free to reach out to Ms. Harris, the Parent Facilitator if you feel the desire to make an impact. dharris@beecherschools.org or call the office and ask for Ms. Harris at 810-591-9357.



  1. Attend Meet the Teacher Night and Parent/Teacher Conferences

  2. Visit the school and its website. (Also our Facebook and Instagram!)

  3. Support Homework Expectations and have your child read at home.

  4. Send your child to school ready to learn:

    • Fed- have breakfast at home or school

    • Get enough sleep

    • Limit Screen Time

  5. Teach organizational skills like using a planner to keep track of important things

  6. Teach study skills- find a quiet place to work, break work apart into manageable pieces

  7. Know the discipline policies of the school and reinforce them at home.

  8. Get involved!

    • Be a classroom helper or homeroom parent

    • Organize and/or work at fundraising activities and other special events

    • Attend School Board Meetings

    • Join Parent-Teacher Group (PEPTO)

    • Read a story to the class

    • Give a talk for career day

    • Attend school concerts/plays

  9. Take attendance seriously

  10. Talk to your child about school daily



This Week:

Monday -21stCentury/Drama 

Tuesday - 8:30 am Parent Group Meeting/21st Century/Violin 

Wednesday - 21st Century/African Dance/Drama 

Thursday - 21st Century/Violin 

Friday - Virtual ½ Day 8:15-11:25

Dates to Remember:

Jan.10 - Effective Parenting 8:30am

Jan. 13-Virtual ½ Day Friday

Jan.16-No School

Jan19&20-½ Days

Jan25-Lunch and Learn (Parent Group)

Jan27-Awards Ceremony

Needed: Cafeteria Monitors! For more information come to the office.

After School Dismissal: Please call and make arrangements prior to the end of the day, if you need your child dismissed after 2:55 but before 3:13. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the office at 810-591-9357