The end of May and the beginning of June! This week is a four day week due to the Memorial Break. . Please be aware that some after school activities are ending. Violin’s last day was last Thursday while African Drum’s last day will be June 7th. 21st Century will run up to the last week and will be making up a day this Friday, June 2nd. Cell phones are a privilege and some students have lost this privilege due to their behavior. For the safety of all students, our teachers are asked to keep cell phones and lock them up until the end of the day. Students caught with cell phones out will have the cell phone confiscated and given back at the end of the day. Any parent needing to contact their child is more than welcome to call the office Summer School sign up is happening now. Use the QR code below to sign up or go to This Week’s Happenings: Monday - No School Tuesday - Normal Day Wednesday - Normal Day Thursday - Normal Day Friday - Normal Day Our character trait of this month is Integrity - BE LEADWORTHY! ![]() |
This Week: Monday -No School Tuesday - 21st Century/Sylvan Gaming Wednesday - 21st Century/African Dance/Drama Thursday - 21st Century Friday -21st Century Dates to Remember: June 7 - 6th Grade Promotion June 8 - Family Fun Day June 9 - Virtual ½ Day June 12 -Spring Concert/ Awards Ceremony June 14 - ½ Day June 15 - ½ Day Last Day After School Dismissal: Please call and make arrangements prior to the end of the day, if you need your child dismissed after 2:55 but before 3:13. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the office at 810-591-9357 |
5/30/23 Dailey Elementary Family Newsletter
May 29, 2023