April is HERE! We are starting April with some new changes. We have a new security company and we are coming up with some new security approaches. Parents are not allowed to walk the building unless a volunteer packet has been filled out and the parent is volunteering for a specific job through the parent facilitator, Ms. Harris. This month is our MSTEP Testing Month. 3rd - 6th grade will be taking the MSTEP Test. This week Monday through Thursday are normal days, but we do not have school on Friday. Kindergarten sign up for our 2023-24 school year is happening now. We are always in need of parent volunteers. Please feel free to reach out to Ms. Harris, the Parent Facilitator if you feel the desire to make an impact. dharris@beecherschools.org or call the office and ask for Ms. Harris at 810-591-9357. This Week’s Happenings: Monday - Normal Day Tuesday - Normal Day Wednesday - Normal Day Thursday - Normal Day Friday - No School Our character trait of this month is Perseverance - Finish Strong!! |
This Week: Monday -21st Century/Drama Tuesday - 21st Century/Violin/Sylvan Gaming Wednesday - 21st Century/African Dance/Drama Thursday - 21st Century/Violin Friday -No School Dates to Remember: April 7 - No School April 13 - Grandparents Day April 14 - End of Marking Period April 21 - ½ Virtual Day April 28 - Awards Ceremony Needed: Cafeteria Monitors! For more information come to the office. After School Dismissal: Please call and make arrangements prior to the end of the day, if you need your child dismissed after 2:55 but before 3:13. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact the office at 810-591-9357 |

4/3/23 Dailey Elementary Family Newsletter
April 2, 2023