Your Opinion Matters!!! – How We Will Spend Our ARP – ESSER Funds.

In March of 2021, the American Rescue Plan (APR) was signed into law  an allocation of over a hundred billion to the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds.  These funds are intended to support school districts in safely reopening and sustaining the safe operations of schools, addressing the impact of the coronavirus pandemic.  The funds allocated to districts can be used in the following areas:

  • Activity authorized by ESEA of 1965
  • Coordination of preparedness and response efforts
  • Provide principals and school leaders with necessary resources
  • Activity to address unique needs of low-income children / students
  • Develop and implement procedures and systems to improve preparedness / response efforts 
  • Training and professional development on sanitization
  • Purchase of sanitization supplies
  • Planning and coordinating provisions of meals to eligible students
  • Purchase of educational technology for students served by the LEA
  • Providing mental health services and supports
  • Planning and implementing activities related to summer learning / supplemental after school programs
  • Other activities necessary to maintain the operation / continuity of services in the LEA
  • Addressing learning loss among students
  • Administering and using high quality assessments
  • Implementing evidence-based activities
  • Providing information and assistance to parents and families
  • Tracking student attendance and improving student engagement
  • School facility repairs and improvements to reduce the risk of virus transmission
  • Upgrade projects to improve the indoor air quality

Beecher Community School District is seeking your feedback to determine how to best allocate these grant dollars.  Please take time to let us know your opinion by completing the brief survey.   Whether you are a community member, parent, staff, or student, your opinions matter.  Scan the qr code and add your voice to our decision-making process.   The form can be found at: